Richard and Kim Silvetti

Well this is my first Corvette, a 2016 2LT Black and Flash Black Stage 2 Z06 with a 7 speed manual transmission, sporting subtle ghost racing stripes with Gray leather and Carbon Fiber interior, better known on the streets of SW Houston as the N-TMDATR, it is my daily driver and I love
every second of it.
My wife, friends and family kind of joke on how it took me 2 years to finally break down and order it, and I feel it was well worth all of the research, deep thought and changes in what I truly wanted, I mean this is a car of dreams and it gets it's well deserved attention, on and off the road. Being a Truck and Camaro man for decades, but a Chevy man always, I consider this my graduation in to bigger and better, all be it faster, things.
Once I picked up this beast, I realized I was one of the lucky ones, to own such a machine. And with that I knew I wanted to join a group of people that shared my interest in Corvettes. So once again I researched, and looked at all of the clubs around and found the COCH that also shared an interest and the willingness to help others at the same time, and I felt I could fit right in here, and I was right. Being a member only since November of this year I feel comfortable and at ease with this group of folks and hope to experience this for many years to come.
Thank you for your thoughts and considerations.